Dec 31, 2019 | Challenges In Adoption
Many of us think of adoption as a one-sided transaction. The parents choose to adopt their children in order to make them part of their family. This is the case with infants and small children. On the other hand, there are many adoptions (especially of children who...
Nov 30, 2019 | Children's Adaptation
Shortly after we adopted our sons, we discovered they were avid tree climbers. We could hardly let them outdoors without finding them up in the trees. It was their way of getting a perspective that they would not get any other way. Thankfully, they never fell or...
Oct 31, 2019 | Challenges In Adoption
One of the challenges in adoption is knowing how to respond to our children when they act out. This is more of a challenge as they grow older and have been in our family for a longer period of time. In fact, just when you think you know the rules, the rules seem to...
Aug 31, 2019 | Children's Adaptation
How do our adopted children view marriage and family? This is not a simple question to answer, because many of them start out with a dysfunctional view of the family and of their birth parents. They may have had a positive experience with one member of their family,...
Jul 31, 2019 | Challenges In Adoption
Recently, I was discussing a medical history of a potential adoptee with his future parents. We talked about a specific issue regarding his health and prognosis. Medical diagnoses and care vary greatly from place to place. The accuracy of the diagnosis can even vary...
Jun 29, 2019 | Challenges In Adoption
Discipline is often confused with punishment, especially when it comes to adopted children. But it doesn’t need to be. Punishment is focused on the misbehavior and its outcomes, and is designed to teach our child that there are natural consequences to his actions....
May 31, 2019 | Challenges In Adoption
In the previous blog, I mentioned six causes of uncertainty in the mind of an adopted child (abuse by birth parents, uncertainty due to attachment disorder, uncertainty due to physical abnormalities, uncertainty due to being in a new culture, uncertainty due to lack...
Apr 30, 2019 | Challenges In Adoption
Uncertainty is a fact of life. Children who are adopted deal with uncertainly because of the disruptive family life that caused them to lose their birth parents. This uncertainty is in addition to the usual questions that children ask because of their age. In order to...