The Bird Bath

May 30, 2021 | Parenting

There it sits, outside my front window. On summer days, our bird bath refreshes a squirrel, butterflies, and up to fourteen sparrows at a time. An occasional robin tries to crowd out the other birds who want to drink or splash around. Watching the birds interact reminds me of how adoption is like our bird bath.

The most obvious thing is that the birds are attracted to it because they have a need. Our children also have a need for parents, and they realize that having lost their birth parents leaves them defenseless and vulnerable. Many blame themselves for this, even though they cannot comprehend the loss of relationships that accompanies becoming an orphan.

Watching the birds, you see the joy that comes with splashing the water onto themselves, with many birds hopping in to get clean. Just like the birds, our children look forward to the clean start they get when they are adopted. Their lives have been disrupted, but now there is something to look forward to. Deep down, they find their new family refreshing.

Providing the water in the bird bath is not something that the birds can do for themselves. They are dependent on big people to clean the bird bath from time to time, as well as fill it with fresh water. Our children look to us for many things that they cannot provide for themselves. They are refreshed by the love that also nourishes them and makes them grow emotionally.

Sometimes I could stop what I am doing and watch the birds for hours. Our children equate lots of time with love and concern. We should not get tired of spending time with them, learning about them and trying to understand them. They need all the hugs and kisses that we can give them. The birds don’t need to ask permission to come to the bird bath!

Our children may feel as though they are being crowded out, just like the robins tend to crowd out the smaller birds. Each child is unique, and brings with him/her special abilities and wants. Seeing each child individually helps us figure out how to fit them into the puzzle of relationships that they are thrown into.

Lastly, our bird bath is made of concrete. It is designed to last. Our homes should feel solid and secure like this to our adopted children. They want to know that we will not abandon them no matter what happens. We can assure them that their adoption is into a family that will stand the test!

Can you think of other ways that adoption is like a bird bath? Comment in the area below. I would love to hear from you!


  1. Diane

    I like the picture you paint of what adoption is like

    • Marcellus George

      Thank you. Just because we have been adopted by God, it doesn’t mean that we don’t need to be refreshed every day by His Word!


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Marcellus George

Marcellus George and his loving wife are the adoptive parents of (now adult) twin sons. He is the author of numerous articles and devotions, has a Ph.D. in theology... Read More