Birth of a Child

Jul 30, 2023 | God's Adoption of His Children

One of the most touching things I have ever done is witness the birth of a child. Nothing compares with this miracle. The beginning of a new life, with all of its potential, is awesome, as is the love of the mother for the infant. The first cries of the baby, in fact, demonstrate that it is alive and well, filling its lungs for the first time with air.

I have observed many mothers with their newborns, and the bonding between the two is indescribable. As the mother tenderly holds her child close to her chest and heart, the baby discovers (in a new manner) the person who has given of time, energy, and comfort to the child in the womb for the last nine months. The mother is filled with hopes and dreams for this new person.

I am left to wonder, then, what causes this intense bonding to be disrupted when the child is given up for adoption. Some do give up their children for adoption because they aspire for a better life for their children with his/her adoptive parents. They pray that their kid is nourished with the love from a couple who has chosen adoption will provide them. Most never forget those first moments with their child and long to know how their child is growing and developing, causing a longing and a scar in their heart. Others, sadly, show no remorse or desire connection with their birth children because of other choices such as pursuing substance abuse and addiction. In any case, the adoption centers on the child and his/her future.

That God has chosen to adopt believers in Jesus Christ as His own sons and daughters is also incomprehensible. He chose to lavish His love on us (as former children of Satan) when we were powerless to do anything, and by doing so brought us into His family. We have a new life and a new future with a new Father. The old things have passed away; all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). All of this can be summarized in one word: hope.

As you think of your adoption by your Heavenly Father, meditate on the acronym HOPE:

H – Hope

O – On

P – Possibilities that

E – Exist

What is it that gives you the most hope in your adoption story? Please feel free to comment in the box below.


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Marcellus George

Marcellus George and his loving wife are the adoptive parents of (now adult) twin sons. He is the author of numerous articles and devotions, has a Ph.D. in theology... Read More