Jul 31, 2022 | Challenges In Adoption, Children's Adaptation, Parenting
We studied adoption prior to receiving our sons, and thought we were prepared for whatever was going to happen next. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Just when we thought we had figured them out, we discovered one more thing about their past that made...
Jun 30, 2022 | Challenges In Adoption, Parenting
We were cheering our favorite team as we all watched intently on television. Everyone wants to win the game or to have their favorite team win. Especially when it comes to the end of the game and the score is close. The sting of losing is more painful when you know...
May 31, 2022 | Challenges In Adoption, Parenting
It was a Saturday evening when I fell off the ladder and onto our concrete floor. My right foot was swollen like a balloon, and the pain was significant. My wife whisked me off to the emergency room,...
Apr 30, 2022 | Challenges In Adoption, Children's Adaptation
Volcanoes have been in the news recently, with more and more eruptions. We are tempted to ask why people choose to live so close to volcanoes, knowing of the possibility of having everything they own obliterated by an eruption (and possibly endangering or losing their...
Mar 31, 2022 | Challenges In Adoption, Parenting
Those in the northern part of the country are accustomed to getting plenty of snow in the winter. The snow, as it comes down, is pure and white. It appears as though it could not get any whiter. Then, as it mixes with salt and dirt, it first becomes dingy, and then...
Feb 27, 2022 | Challenges In Adoption, Parenting
Now is the time for spring. Over the winter, we experienced lots of snowfall, and the wind and the snowplows contributed to ever-increasing piles of snow. At some points in the winter, the snowdrifts become so tall they seem to hide the snowmen in the front yard! Once...
Jan 30, 2022 | Challenges In Adoption
On a chilly afternoon, we visited the gravesite of a friend who had taken her own life four years prior. A group grieved together about the life of one who had ended her life too early. Suicide is on the rise, and opinions differ about why this is so. But taking one’s...
Dec 30, 2021 | Children's Adaptation, Parenting
Another year and another holiday season are behind us. We ponder a new year and wonder what it holds, but do not pay as much attention to what has happened as we should. What things happened the past year that made us especially thankful? That is why milestones are so...
Nov 30, 2021 | Challenges In Adoption, Parenting
I have trouble staying awake in art galleries. My wife has taken me to several well-known ones, but not being an art lover means that these works of art (or occasionally history) are lost on me. I also find that skimming the photos of others on their cell phones not...
Oct 30, 2021 | God's Adoption of His Children, Parenting
It was a starry night when I went camping with my sons. They looked into the sky in awe of what they saw, and one asked, “How big is the universe?” “We don’t know,” I said, “but God is bigger still.” “Cool,” was all he could say. There was a silence that enveloped us...